

Firewall configuration file


Type Description
defaults global firewall settings
zones groups one or more interface
forwardings controls traffic flow between zones
redirects port forwards
rules basic accept or reject rules for specific ports or hosts
includes custom firewall scripts


global firewall settings

Name Type Required Default Description
input string no REJECT Set policy for the INPUT chain of the filter table.
output string no REJECT Set policy for the OUTPUT chain of the filter table.
forward string no REJECT Set policy for the FORWARD chain of the filter table.
drop_invalid boolean no 0 Drop invalid packets (e.g. not matching any active connection).
syn_flood boolean no 0 Enable SYN flood protection (obsoleted by synflood_protect setting).
synflood_protect boolean no 0 Enable SYN flood protection.
synflood_rate string no 25 Set rate limit (packets/second) for SYN packets above which the traffic is considered a flood.
synflood_burst string no 50 Set burst limit for SYN packets above which the traffic is considered a flood if it exceeds the allowed rate.
tcp_syncookies boolean no 1 Enable the use of SYN cookies.
tcp_ecn boolean no 0
tcp_westwood boolean no 0
tcp_window_scaling boolean no 1 Enable TCP window scaling.
accept_redirects boolean no 0
accept_source_route boolean no 0
custom_chains boolean no 1
disable_ipv6 boolean no 0 Disable IPv6 firewall rules.


groups one or more interface

Name Type Required Default Description
name zone name yes (none) Unique zone name
network list no (none) List of interfaces attached to this zone. If omitted and neither extra* options, subnets or devices are given, the value of name is used by default. Use list syntax as explained in uci.
masq boolean no 0 Specifies whether outgoing zone traffic should be masqueraded - this is typically enabled on the wan zone
masq_src list of subnets no Limit masquerading to the given source subnets. Negation is possible by prefixing the subnet with !; multiple subnets are allowed.
masq_dest list of subnets no Limit masquerading to the given destination subnets. Negation is possible by prefixing the subnet with !; multiple subnets are allowed.
conntrack boolean no 1 if masquerading is used, 0 otherwise Force connection tracking for this zone (see Note on connection tracking)
mtu_fix boolean no 0 Enable MSS clamping for outgoing zone traffic
input string no DROP Default policy (ACCEPT, REJECT, DROP) for incoming zone traffic
forward string no DROP Default policy (ACCEPT, REJECT, DROP) for forwarded zone traffic
output string no DROP Default policy (ACCEPT, REJECT, DROP) for outgoing zone traffic
family string no any Protocol family (ipv4, ipv6 or any) to generate iptables rules for.
log boolean no 0 Create log rules for rejected and dropped traffic in this zone.
log_limit string no 10/minute Limits the amount of log messages per interval.
device list no (none) List of raw network device names attached to this zone, e.g. ppp+ to match any PPP interface.
:!: Only supported by the Firewall v2, version 58 and above ; not supported by 12.09 default installation
subnet list no (none) List of IP subnets attached to this zone.
:!: Only supported by the Firewall v2, version 58 and above, not supported by 12.09 default installation
extra string no (none) Extra arguments passed directly to iptables. Note that these options are passed to both source and destination classification rules, therfore direction-specific options like –dport should not be used here - in this case the extra_src and extra_dest options should be used instead.
:!: Only supported by the Firewall v2, version 58 and above, not supported by 12.09 default installation
extra_src string no Value of extra Extra arguments passed directly to iptables for source classification rules.
:!: Only supported by the Firewall v2, version 58 and above, not supported by 12.09 default installation
extra_dest string no Value of extra Extra arguments passed directly to iptables for destination classification rules.
:!: Only supported by the Firewall v2, version 58 and above, not supported by 12.09 default installation


controls traffic flow between zones

Name Type Required Default Description
src zone name yes (none) Specifies the traffic source zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names
dest zone name yes (none) Specifies the traffic destination zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names
mtu_fix boolean no 0 Enable MSS clamping for traffic flowing from the source zone to the destination zone (Deprecated and moved to zone sections in 8.09.2+)
family string no any Protocol family (ipv4, ipv6 or any) to generate iptables rules for.

:!: The iptables rules generated for this section rely on the state match which needs connection tracking to work. At least one of the src or dest zones needs to have connection tracking enabled through either the masq or the conntrack option.


port forwards

Name Type Required Default Description
src zone name yes for DNAT target (none) Specifies the traffic source zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names. For typical port forwards this usually is wan
src_ip ip address no (none) Match incoming traffic from the specified source ip address
src_dip ip address yes for SNAT target (none) For DNAT, match incoming traffic directed at the given destination ip address. For SNAT rewrite the source address to the given address.
src_mac mac address no (none) Match incoming traffic from the specified mac address
src_port port or range no (none) Match incoming traffic originating from the given source port or port range on the client host
src_dport port or range no (none) For DNAT, match incoming traffic directed at the given destination port or port range on this host. For SNAT rewrite the source ports to the given value.
proto protocol name or number yes tcpudp Match incoming traffic using the given protocol
dest zone name yes for SNAT target (none) Specifies the traffic destination zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names. For DNAT target on Attitude Adjustment, NAT reflection works only if this is equal to lan.
dest_ip ip address yes for DNAT target (none) For DNAT, redirect matched incoming traffic to the specified internal host. For SNAT, match traffic directed at the given address.
dest_port port or range no (none) For DNAT, redirect matched incoming traffic to the given port on the internal host. For SNAT, match traffic directed at the given ports.
ipset string no (none) If specified, match traffic against the given ipset. The match can be inverted by prefixing the value with an exclamation mark
mark string no (none) If specified, match traffic against the given firewall mark, e.g. 0xFF to match mark 255 or 0x0/0x1 to match any even mark value. The match can be inverted by prefixing the value with an exclamation mark, e.g. !0x10 to match all but mark #16.
start_date date (yyyy-mm-dd) no (always) If specifed, only match traffic after the given date (inclusive).
stop_date date (yyyy-mm-dd) no (always) If specified, only match traffic before the given date (inclusive).
start_time time (hh:mm:ss) no (always) If specified, only match traffic after the given time of day (inclusive).
stop_time time (hh:mm:ss) no (always) If specified, only match traffic before the given time of day (inclusive).
weekdays list of weekdays no (always) If specified, only match traffic during the given week days, e.g. sun mon thu fri to only match on sundays, mondays, thursdays and fridays. The list can be inverted by prefixing it with an exclamation mark, e.g. ! sat sun to always match but on saturdays and sundays.
monthdays list of dates no (always) If specified, only match traffic during the given days of the month, e.g. 2 5 30 to only match on every 2nd, 5th and 30rd day of the month. The list can be inverted by prefixing it with an exclamation mark, e.g. ! 31 to always match but on the 31st of the month.
utc_time boolean no 0 Treat all given time values as UTC time instead of local time.
target string no DNAT NAT target (DNAT or SNAT) to use when generating the rule
family string no any Protocol family (ipv4, ipv6 or any) to generate iptables rules for.
reflection boolean no 1 Activate NAT reflection for this redirect - applicable to DNAT targets.
reflection_src string no internal The source address to use for NAT-reflected packets if reflection is 1. This can be internal or external, specifying which interface’s address to use. Applicable to DNAT targets.
limit string no (none) Maximum average matching rate; specified as a number, with an optional /second, /minute, /hour or /day suffix. Examples: 3/second, 3/sec or 3/s.
limit_burst integer no 5 Maximum initial number of packets to match, allowing a short-term average above limit
extra string no (none) Extra arguments to pass to iptables. Useful mainly to specify additional match options, such as -m policy --dir in for IPsec.
enabled string no 1 or yes Enable the redirect rule or not.

:!: On Attitude Adjustment, for NAT reflection to work, you must specify option dest lan in the redirect section (even though we're using a DNAT target).


basic accept or reject rules for specific ports or hosts

Name Type Required Default Description
src zone name yes (:!: optional since Firewall v2, version 58 and above) (none) Specifies the traffic source zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names.
src_ip ip address no (none) Match incoming traffic from the specified source ip address
src_mac mac address no (none) Match incoming traffic from the specified mac address
src_port port or range no (none) Match incoming traffic from the specified source port or port range, if relevant proto is specified.
proto protocol name or number no tcpudp Match incoming traffic using the given protocol. Can be one of tcp, udp, tcpudp, udplite, icmp, esp, ah, sctp, or all or it can be a numeric value, representing one of these protocols or a different one. A protocol name from /etc/protocols is also allowed. The number 0 is equivalent to all.
dest zone name no (none) Specifies the traffic destination zone. Must refer to one of the defined zone names, or * for any zone. If specified, the rule applies to forwarded traffic; otherwise, it is treated as input rule.
dest_ip ip address no (none) Match incoming traffic directed to the specified destination ip address. With no dest zone, this is treated as an input rule!
dest_port port or range no (none) Match incoming traffic directed at the given destination port or port range, if relevant proto is specified.
ipset string no (none) If specified, match traffic against the given ipset. The match can be inverted by prefixing the value with an exclamation mark
mark mark/mask no (none) If specified, match traffic against the given firewall mark, e.g. 0xFF to match mark 255 or 0x0/0x1 to match any even mark value. The match can be inverted by prefixing the value with an exclamation mark, e.g. !0x10 to match all but mark #16.
start_date date (yyyy-mm-dd) no (always) If specifed, only match traffic after the given date (inclusive).
stop_date date (yyyy-mm-dd) no (always) If specified, only match traffic before the given date (inclusive).
start_time time (hh:mm:ss) no (always) If specified, only match traffic after the given time of day (inclusive).
stop_time time (hh:mm:ss) no (always) If specified, only match traffic before the given time of day (inclusive).
weekdays list of weekdays no (always) If specified, only match traffic during the given week days, e.g. sun mon thu fri to only match on sundays, mondays, thursdays and fridays. The list can be inverted by prefixing it with an exclamation mark, e.g. ! sat sun to always match but on saturdays and sundays.
monthdays list of dates no (always) If specified, only match traffic during the given days of the month, e.g. 2 5 30 to only match on every 2nd, 5th and 30rd day of the month. The list can be inverted by prefixing it with an exclamation mark, e.g. ! 31 to always match but on the 31st of the month.
utc_time boolean no 0 Treat all given time values as UTC time instead of local time.
target string yes DROP Firewall action (ACCEPT, REJECT, DROP, MARK, NOTRACK) for matched traffic
set_mark mark/mask yes for target MARK (none) Zeroes out the bits given by mask and ORs value into the packet mark. If mask is omitted, 0xFFFFFFFF is assumed
set_xmark Zeroes out the bits given by mask and XORs value into the packet mark. If mask is omitted, 0xFFFFFFFF is assumed
family string no any Protocol family (ipv4, ipv6 or any) to generate iptables rules for.
limit string no (none) Maximum average matching rate; specified as a number, with an optional /second, /minute, /hour or /day suffix. Examples: 3/minute, 3/min or 3/m.
limit_burst integer no 5 Maximum initial number of packets to match, allowing a short-term average above limit
extra string no (none) Extra arguments to pass to iptables. Useful mainly to specify additional match options, such as -m policy --dir in for IPsec.
enabled boolean no yes Enable or disable rule.


custom firewall scripts

Name Type Required Default Description
enabled boolean no 1 Allows to disable the corresponding include without having to delete the section
type string no script Specifies the type of the include, can be script for traditional shell script includes or restore for plain files in iptables-restore format
path file name yes /etc/firewall.user Specifies a shell script to execute on boot or firewall restarts
family string no any Specifies the address family (ipv4, ipv6 or any) for which the include is called
reload boolean no 0 Specifies whether the include should be called on reload - this is only needed if the include injects rules into internal chains

Possible Storage / Match Combinations

The table below outlines the possible combinations of storage methods and matched datatypes as well as the usable IP address family. The order of the datatype matches is significant.

Family Storage Match Notes
ipv4 bitmap ip Requries iprange option
ipv4 bitmap ip mac Requires iprange option
ipv4 bitmap port Requires portrange option
any hash ip -
any hash net -
any hash ip port -
any hash net port -
any hash ip port ip -
any hash ip port net -
- list set Meta type to create a set-of-sets
documentation/configuration/config_files/config_firewall.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/24 09:05 (external edit)